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Q: L is not as tall as P or R but is taller than S and Q Q being shorter than R S is shorter than R who is shorter than P who is taller than Q Who among P Q R and S is the shortest?
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In a group of five girls Jane is taller than Sarah Sally is the shortest in the group Juana is taller than Sarah and Sarah is taller than Sally It can be said that?

Jane is the tallest in the group, followed by Juana and Sarah, with Sally being the shortest.

Why is the shortest wavelength of visible light 400nm?

The shortest wavelength of visible light is around 400nm because this corresponds to the color violet, which has the highest frequency and energy among the visible light spectrum. Wavelengths shorter than 400nm are in the ultraviolet range, which is not visible to the human eye.

How does white oak trees move?

White oak trees are shorter and wider than most trees around them. By being wider, they shade out seedlings that would grow into taller trees and shade them out. By being shorter, they let lightning hit and kill the taller trees. Once the taller trees growing right around them die, others do not replace them. They are still short so that lightning hits other trees. Lightning hits those trees which are replaced.

How tall is Kiro from Cinema Bizarre?

Kiro is 5'4". He's the shortest member in the band, with Strify (the second shorted) being four inches taller than him at 5'8"

What wave has the shortest wavelength?

Gamma rays have the shortest wavelength among the electromagnetic spectrum waves.

Why am I growing and then shrinking?

You will be slightly taller in the morning when you first get out of bed. After being up all day, you will get slightly shorter as the cartilage is the spine gets slightly compressed.

Why do people want to get shorter?

People want to get shorter because of self-esteem issues. Often, with females, being taller than males impacts how they see themselves. This is awkward because females usually do not want to bend down to kiss a guy.

Does taking a bath in jello make you shorter?

It dose a lot but it could kill you In a bad case I'm really short I'm the 2nd to the last shortest in my class stick with being tall

Does being skinny make you look taller?

usually you look taller when your skinny

What wave length of light is the shortest?

Violet is actually the shortest wavelength, as you consider the color spectrum. After blue comes indigo, then violet. So blue is the third shortest. The color spectrum ranges from red to violet, with red being the longest. Naturally, violet would then be the shortest. Of course this goes for human visible wavelengths. Ultraviolet light is shorter in wavelength, but not human visible. Xrays have even shorter wavelengths, but they also are not human visible. Gamma rays are the shortest of all, but again not human visible.

How can a 5'2-5'3 girl who looks much taller due to being thin look shorter and more dainty?

To me, long skirts, blouses, and flats can make almost anyone look more dainty.

I am 6 foot and 1 inch and just turned 15 years. How can i stop growing. Does going to a gym help. Does masturbating help. I want a good answer. I feel bad being so taller.?

Hun....its good being thats a myth sorry to tell you....The gym won't make you taller, but you can seem shorter by getting more muscular in your upper body