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Q: Labels are a good source of information listing the contents from the lowest percentage to the highest percentage of total content?
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How do you get really fat in Fable 2?

Eating food with a really high fat content, like pies and chocolate. There is an information page for every item in Fable 2. When at a shop that sells food or liquor, go to the information page for each item and pick the ones with the highest fat percentage. There are also a few foods with a thin percentage too. Celery is one with a thin percentage.

Which dairy cow has the highest milk fat percentage?

that must be jersey with a milk fat content of 5gm per 100 gm .. buffalo milk has higher fat content on an average 9%.

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Anthracite coal has the highest percentage of carbon among the different types of coal.

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Many are not harmful, but wmv content in torrents has the highest percentage of fakes and malware. Best to avoid wmv torrents.

When is the protein content of a horse's milk the highest?

Protien content is highest in the first milk/colostrum of the mare.

Which variety of coal contains the highest percentage of carbon?

Anthracite coal contains the highest percentage of carbon, typically ranging from 86% to 98%. This high carbon content gives it a high energy output and makes it the cleanest burning of all coal types.

Which brand of beer has the highest alcohol content?

The Hair of the Dog Dave has the highest alcohol content which is 29% ABV.

What is the highest percentage ingredient in coco pops?

Rice is the highest percentage ingredient in coco-pops.

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The highest percentage of your diet should be carbohydrates.

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mount everest in the himalayas

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The Highest percentage income tax in the year of 1918 was 77%

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It is thought that California has the highest percentage of LGBT people.