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The last six months of GK current affairs can be viewed by downloading the Daily Current Affairs and GK application for your smart phone. The application allows you to look at past topics and stay current with daily quizzes.

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Q: Last 6 months GK question about current affairs?
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Current affairs last 6 months?


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Yes it is, a non current asset is one that will last over 12 months, a current asset is one that will be used up within 12 months.

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How long should affair last?

ANSWER:I think it depends on individual. Affairs can and will be complex and hurtful to people who's being cheated on. There are affairs that last years even months if the the married man is careful and smart. But there are also affair that only last months because it was discovered. It all depends.Another answer:Should? It should last less than 2 seconds, because one party is a scumbag and the other is being treated like dirt. As soon as the abused party gets tired of it, the affair will end.

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Do work affairs generally last?

No, eventually people are caught.

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i guess it could last about 14 months i guess it could last about 14 months

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I've had car batteries last anywhere from 3 years / 10 months ( dead cell ) to my current battery which is 8 years / 3 months and still being used

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Ability to work in Nhs , in the acute settings

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there are 92 days in the last 3 months.

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No one, because there are no current $1000 bills in the US. The last ones were issued in 1945. Please see the Related Question for more information.