The Least Common Multiple of 17 and 85 is 85.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 34 and 85 is 170.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 85 and 112 is 9,520.
It is: 85% of 80 = 68
850 is not the greatest common factor of 85 and 10. The person answering the question about the numbers with 850 as the greatest common factor was apparently thinking about the factors of 850 itself, not numbers that would have 850 as their greatest common factor. The greatest common factor of 10 and 85 is 5. The least common multiple of 10 and 85 is 170. The product of 10 and 85 is 850.
The greatest factor that is common to 80 and 85 is 5.
The Least Common Multiple of 17 and 85 is 85.
The least common multiple of 85 , 64 = 5,440
The least common multiple of 85 and 105 is 1785.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 85 40 is 680.
Least common multiple of 65 and 85 is 1105.
least common multiple of 85 and 95 is 1615.
The Greatest Common Factor of 80, 85, 90: 5
The GCF is 5.
The least common multiple of 45 and 85 is 765
1 and 5
The least common multiple (LCM) of 17, 51, and 85 is 255.