Wood Worm. :D
The horizontal length of a 42 inch TV is 36.61".
1000 millimeters = 1 meter so 4.3 millimieters = 0.0043 meters
You would have to kill first for accuracy.
It is 1 inch.
Canker worm
a inch worm
inch worm
The right way to say inch worm in Spanish is, oruga
inch forward
That they move slowly is the reason for calling an inchworm an inchworm.Specifically, the caterpillars in question are the larval stages of moths in the Geomitridae family. They have three pairs of legs toward the front of the body, nothing in the middle, and two or three pairs of prolegs (abdominal appendages which facilitate movement) in the rear. They therefore move by pulling the rear end forward while holding on with the front legs and then progressing forward on the front legs while holding on with the prolegs.The overall effect is one of inching along a surface.
inch worm
you don't...
According to the Wikipedia article on geometer moths, inchworms are larvae of those moths, and have two or three pairs of legs on each end of the body. This would imply eight to twelve legs. A link to the article's section on larvae is below.
Wood Worm. :D
1 inch to 85 feet