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Q: Line segment with the sames leght are said to be?
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What does horizontal line segment mean?

To some manuscripts said to be parallel with the surface.

Does a line segment ever end?

A line segment ends, because it is a line with two dots on the end to stop it. It is just a regular line that does not end. There could also be a ray, which is a line with only one side stopped with a point and the other going on forever. you said it ends and then you said it doesn't end

A finite part of a line?

Technically, in geometry, there is no such thing. By definition, a line is infinite. A "line segment" is a finite portion of a line. In everyday speech, people might sometimes refer to a line segment as a finite line. But if you said this on a math test, you would fail the test.

What segment of the earthworm is the ovary found?

not what those guys said

Can the diameter of a circle pass through the center of a circle?

A diameter of a circle must pass through the center of that circle. A cord is a line segment that has its endpoints on the circumference of a circle. It can be any line segment. If that cord also passes through the center of the circle, it is said to be a diameter of that circle. A diameter of a circle is the longest cord of the circle.

How the segment addition postulate can be modeled using a real world object?

the world is an oval so ab make a line so if you dived what you said by 2 it equals 3

Word that is the sames as the word said?

MurmuredAnnouncedSpokeWhisperedScreechedScreamedShoutedDeclaredToldExpressedBlurtedRambledCriedWhinedAccusedWordedSoundedAlertedRemarkedDictatedAnnouncedBoomedOrderedDemandedSqueeledYippedExclaimedSangBurstedWise-crackedexplodedCriedpuffedMumbleSqueakedAcknowledged AddedAdmittedAdvisedAgreedAnnouncedAnsweredApprovedArguedAssumedAssuredAskedBabbledBargainedBeganBoastedBraggedCalledClaimedCommandedCommentedComplainedCriedDecidedDemandedDeniedDescribedDictatedEmphasizedEstimatedExclaimedExplainedExpressedFearedGiggledGrinnedGruntedIndicatedInsistedInstructedLaughedLecturedLiedMentionedMoanedMumbledMurmuredNaggedNotedNotifiedObjectedObservedOrderedPleadedPointed outPrayedPredictedQuestionedReassuredRelatedRepeatedRepliedRespondedRequestedRestatedRevealedRoaredRuledScoldedScreamedShoutedShriekedSnappedSneeredSobbedSpokeSputteredStammeredStatedStormedSuggestedTauntedThoughtToldUrgedUtteredVowedWailedWarnedWhisperedaccusedcluckedgulpedpointed outsmirkedacknowledgedcoaxedgurgledponderedsnappedaddedcommanded praisedsnarledaddressedcommentedhintedprayedsneeredadmittedcomplainedhissedproclaimedsneezedadvisedconcededholleredpromisedsnickeredaffirmedconcludedhypothesizedproposedsniffedagreedconfessedprotestedsniffledannouncedconfidedimitatedput insnortedansweredcongratulatedimpliedpuzzledsobbedapprovedcontinuedinformedspeculatedarguedconvincedinquiredquaveredspokeaskedcorrectedinsistedqueriedsputteredassertedcoughedinterjectedquestionedsqueakedassuredcriedinterruptedquippedstammeredavowedcroakedquotedstartedcrowedjeeredstatedbabbledjestedrantedstormedbarkeddaredjokedreasonedstutteredbawleddecidedreassuredsuggestedbeameddeclaredlaughedrecalledsurmisedbegandemandedliedreckonedtauntedbeggeddeniedlispedrelatedteasedbelloweddescribedremarkedtemptedbetdisagreedmaintainedrememberedtestedbleateddisclosedmarveledremindedtheorizedblurteddivulgedmentionedrepeatedthreatenedboasteddoubtedmimickedrepliedtoldboomeddrawledmoanedreportedtrilledbraggedmumbledrequestedurgedbroke inechoedmurmuredrespondedutteredbubbledendedmusedretortedvolunteeredbuggedexclaimedmutteredrevealedvowedburst outexplainedroaredcalledfinishednaggedwailedcautionedfrettednoddedsangwarnedchattednotedsassedwent onchatteredgaspedobjectedscreamedweptcheeredgibedobservedscoffedwhimperedchidedgiggledofferedscoldedwhinedchimed ingreetedorderedshotwhisperedchokedgroanedshoutedwonderedchortledgrowledpantedshriekedworriedchorusedgruntedpipedshrilledchuckledgrumbledpleadedsighedyawnedclaimedguessedpledsmiledyakked

What does mean convex to the origin?

A set is said to be convex with respect to the origin if the line segment between any two points in the set lies entirely within the set. In simpler terms, for any two points within the set, all the points on the line joining them are also within the set.

What actors and actresses appeared in Directions - 2006?

The cast of Directions - 2006 includes: Margaret Anne Florence as (segment "What Sarah Said") Bill Bixler as Conductor (segment "Different Names for the Same Thing") Jordan Craven as (segment "Jealousy Rides With Me") Mike Cuculich as (segment "Jealousy Rides With Me") Jess Engler as Father (segment "Stable Song") Emily Erhens as Lead Singer (segment "Different Names for the Same Thing") Tyler Fowler as (segment "Jealousy Rides With Me") Kelly Guerrero as (segment "Marching Bands of Manhattan") Terry Huynh as (segment "Jealousy Rides With Me") Rashi Kaslow as (segment "Jealousy Rides With Me") Eric Marchbanks as (segment "Marching Bands of Manhattan") Victoria Monteleone as (segment "Jealousy Rides With Me") Drew Mottinger as (segment "Jealousy Rides With Me") Eric Patten as (segment "Jealousy Rides With Me") Nick Pritchard as (segment "Jealousy Rides With Me") James Ransone as (segment "What Sarah Said") Max Records as Brother (segment "Stable Song") Strider Schmidt as Little Brother (segment "Stable Song") Robin Schmidt as Mother (segment "Stable Song") Milissa Sears as (segment "Jealousy Rides With Me") Jenn Strand as (segment "Jealousy Rides With Me") Lydia Tavera as (segment "Jealousy Rides With Me") Alexis Teague as (segment "Jealousy Rides With Me") Aniko White as Sister (segment "Stable Song")

Who said the following words Every segment of your population has a right to expect from his government a fair deal?

Truman said this in his January 1949 State of the Union Address!

What is a straight line in level position?

The straight level line is said to be horizontal.

Questioned during a segment on The Early Show about her ImClone dealing who said you want to focus on your salad?

Martha Stewart