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Line segments can be broken down into points.

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Q: Line segments can be broken down into what objects?
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Can line segments be broken down into two points?

Yes line segments can be broken down

True or false Line segments can be broken down into points?


Can line segments be broken down into points?

A line segment consists of an infinite number of points. Depending on how you define "breaking it down", yes, it's possible. But of course not in a finite number of steps.

How do you Draw Polylines in GstarCAD?

You can create a series of line segment using LINE command A line consists of two points: a start point and an endpoint. You can connect a series of lines, but each line segment is considered a separate line entity. In a simple line which is connected by several line segment,each line segment is considered a separate line entity,each line segment can be editted seperately and doesn't effect other line segment. You can specify line properties,including color.line type. Use polyline objects instead of line objects if you want the segments to be connected as a single object.

How can you show that two objects are proportional with a graph?

In general, that is pretty nearly impossible. It is possible if the shapes are made up of straight line segments. Then, if you join up each pair of corresponding points in the two objects and extend those lines, they must all meet in a single point. However, this method breaks down as soon as you have any curves in the objects since finding corresponding points becomes near impossible.

When a car is broken down and your only choice is to cross a double line what do you do?

If the vehicle is broken down in the roadway and obstructing traffic, you may pass it after ascertaining that by doing so you will not interfere with oncoming traffic.

What is a continuous line graph?

a continuous line graph is a graph that is similar to a broken line graph but it always grows higher and higher it never goes down. e.g. age

What is the difference between a broken line graph and a line graph?

A line graph basically shows it going straight up. (or a steady rate) A broken line graph will have numbers all over the place. It will be going up and down and up and down. Maybe for a example the numbers will be 10 then 50 then 2 then 100. So as you can see that graph will have lines going everywhere! hope i helped.

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The monthly interest on $500,000 will depend on the interest rate at the time the money was borrowed. Interest is usually charged as an annual rate and then broken down into monthly segments.

What two categories are artifacts broken down into?

Artifacts are generally broken down into two categories: archaeological artifacts, which are objects made or modified by humans in the past, and software artifacts, which refer to digital objects such as programs, applications, and code. Each type of artifact provides valuable insights into past civilizations or technological developments.

How is polymer broken down?

it is broken down into monomers

What is running stich?

The running stitch is a hand sewing stitch where the thread is passed up and down through the material in a straight line. It makes a broken dashed line.