The purpose of a line-side T1 is to directly connect two devices, using a T1, without going through a service provider. This is done in lieu of using analog circuits or if IP connectivity/trunking is not available. For example, a fax server can connect directly to a corporate PBX, via a line side T1, using a cross-over 2-pair, 22 AWG shielded twisted pair cable. This is a direct connection from the PBX's T1 card to the fax server's T1 card. Provisioning of the T1 circuit is done in both the PBX and the fax server to accommodate the medium (24 channels, robbed-bit signaling).
A T1 line speed refers to the speed at which a T1 line is able to transfer data., often written in kilobytes per second. T1 lines these days see less use and have been replaced with fiber optics.
T1 line
A T1 line provides you with 1.544Mbits per second, full duplex. Full duplex means that, you get the 1.544Mbps in up- and download direction. 1.544 Mbit per second equals 0.192MByte per second.
The purpose of a line plot is usually to see each frequency of the numbers.
They are AMI (Alternate Mark Inversion) and B8ZS (Bi-polar with 8-Zero Substitution)
form_title=Residential Internet T1 form_header=Do all you want to on the interent with your T1 line! Where will the T1 line be installed?=_ What is your expected data usage?=_ When would you like the T1 line installed?=_
The costs of a business installing a T1 line may vary depending on where one is located. It appears that a T1 line can cot up to $2,000 (US) and this may or may not include installation or maintenance of the T1 line.
A T1 line speed refers to the speed at which a T1 line is able to transfer data., often written in kilobytes per second. T1 lines these days see less use and have been replaced with fiber optics.
When used as a Private Line or MPLS, this is as secure as your lan. If you connect the T1 to the internet, it is not secure.
A router or a T1 line termination unit (CSU/DSU) would typically be used to terminate a T1 line in a company data center. These devices are responsible for establishing and managing the connection between the data center network and the T1 line for reliable data transmission.
T1 line
These days, yes DSL is faster than a T1 line. This however is not the debate when comparing the two as the T1 is designed for 99.9% up-time whereas DSL does not come with that guarantee. A T1 line is commercial grade Internet.
form_title=Residential Integrated T1 form_header=Have it bundled. Get integrated T1 for your home. Where do you need the T1 line installed?=_ What is the primary reason for installing intergrated T1?=_ When would you like your service installed?=_
form_title=Business Integrated T1 form_header=If you greatly depend on internet access, get a T1 line. Is your business already set up for T1 service?= () Yes () No How much bandwidth do you expect to use on a monthly basis?=_ How many computer will be connected to the T1 line?= {(),Less than 10,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,More than 100}
form_title=Business T1 Data form_header=If you need reliability and speed, install a T1 data line. What connection speed are you looking for?=_ How many computers will be on the T1 line?= {(),Less than 20,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,More than 100} What internet solution is your business currently using?=_