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1415 Agincourt, 1483 Martin Luther born, 1513 Flodden, 1533 Elizabeth born, 1536-41 Dissolution of Monasteries, 1588 Armada,

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Q: List 6 events that happened in history during the 1400's and 1500's?
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What events were happening during the late 1400s in theUnited states?

the gadon

What important events happened in the 1400s-1449s?

In 1441, slaves trade from Africa to Europe started.

Which of these literary events took place in Spain during the 1400s?

the first printing press was introduced to Spain

How can you use the word cape in a sentence about Portugal's exploration in the late 1400s?

Portugal's explorers wore capes as they navigated uncharted waters during the late 1400s, venturing to unknown lands and establishing trade routes that changed the course of history.

What was the style of arnolfini wedding?

Classical during the 1400s

Describe the routes taken by explorers for Portugal during the 1400s and early 1500s?

the routes taken by explorers for Portugal during the 1400s and early 1500s was the cape of good hope

Did northern Italian city states and Muslims control the spice trading during the 1400s?

Yes. They were the primary movers of spices in the 1400s.

During the 1400's did anything happen in Spain?

Yes, Spain experienced significant historical events during the 1400s. This period saw the culmination of the Christian Reconquista with the fall of Granada in 1492, the expulsion of Jews and Muslims from Spain, the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella unifying the country, and the voyages of Christopher Columbus leading to the discovery of the Americas. These events laid the foundation for Spain's emergence as a global power in the following centuries.

What caused conflicts between the social classes during the 1400s?

the black death

Who conquered Great Zimbabwe during the 1400s and built the Mutapa Empire?


During the 1400s and 1500s explorers used a compass and the North Star to navigate across the ocean. What is this system of navigation called?

what explorer used th compass in the 1400s

What is the history of the word majestic?

the history is when Shakespeare decided to make the poem hamlet and almost called everything majestic and came around the time of the 1400s ......