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Q: List different modes of making room reservations?
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List five unrelated tasks to airline travel that a crs can perform?

There are numerous tasks that can be performed by a travel computer reservation system. This system can make hotel reservations, rental car reservations, restaurant reservations, railway reservations, and book event tickets.

Where can one find more information about travel reservations?

Information about making travel reservations can be found on the "About Us" pages of travel websites; these areas will have cancellation and refund policies as well as contact information. For all inclusive packages, travel agencies will have a disclosure page that will list all of the amenities that are included with the reservation.

List of configuration modes in router?

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What is the mode in 6 grade math?

The mode is the number in a list of numbers that occurs most often. There may be multiple modes. 1,2,3,4,3,4,5,4,5,6 << 4 is the mode. 1,2,3,4,3,4,5,6 << 3 & 4 are the modes.

What are the types of chemicals in medicine?

The number is much too long to list. You can ask about types or modes of action.

Which of these states would have been LEAST likely to contain Native American Reservations at the end of the nineteenth century?

When you cut and paste a question, please actually read it first. You have not included the list of states to pick from. Had you, I'd have been able to answer. Making an intelligent guess as to the likely names on your list, I believe the answer is "Texas".

What if two modes?

You just list them like they are- For example in the number: 33455 The mode would be 3, and 5

Does check-up have a hyphen?

Different dictionaries list it with and without the hyphen, making it a matter of personal preference.

What if you have two modes?

Technically there is no such thing as "no mode". If there is more than one mode in a set of numbers, you list out all the modes. For example in the list of numbers: 11, 15, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8, 6, 5, 4, 6 11, 8, and 6 would be the modes.

How do you start writing a 'hotel room reservation' program using c plus plus?

You should start be defining classes for your hotel rooms, customers and reservations. The reservations class should simply link a customer to a room for a specified day and duration. To search for a vacancy, scan the reservations list, eliminating any rooms occupied on the given day and duration. This will leave you with a list of room numbers that may be reserved by the customer.