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Marble and slate are both used by humans in buildings. Marble is used to make a number of items such as flooring and countertops. Slate is used primarily for roofing shingles.

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Q: List some ways in which marble and slate are economically important What do you use them for?
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Where can you get slate for a billiards table?

Most pool table slate comes from Italy and is cut and milled there for pool table use. From there, it is finished at the pool table manufacturer. To purchase new slate, you need to contact a pool manufacturer and convince them to sell you the slate. Because it is not an item they intned to sell, expect it to be very costly. In addition, you will most likely be responsible for drilling the slate yourself. A better option may be to look around for a used pool table that has the slate in excellent condition. This can be found in yard and garage sales, newspaper ads, Craig's List, and eBay. This most likely will be much cheaper than buying new slate.

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You can obtain the chapter summaries of "The Clay Marble" at your local library. Most libraries and even many schools offer copies of Cliff's Notes that list all chapter summaries.

What the meaning of slate?

An argillaceous rock which readily splits into thin plates; argillite; argillaceous schist., Any rock or stone having a slaty structure., A prepared piece of such stone., A thin, flat piece, for roofing or covering houses, etc., A tablet for writing upon., An artificial material, resembling slate, and used for the above purposes., A thin plate of any material; a flake., A list of candidates, prepared for nomination or for election; a list of candidates, or a programme of action, devised beforehand., To cover with slate, or with a substance resembling slate; as, to slate a roof; to slate a globe., To register (as on a slate and subject to revision), for an appointment., To set a dog upon; to bait; to slat. See 2d Slat, 3.

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I would check the popular mechanic website first. They have a list of economically affordable cars that wont break the bank. After that go to They have a great list of reasonably priced vehicles.

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