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Q: Little light penetrates the ocean below meters?
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Related questions

What color light penetrates water the least?

Red light penetrates water the least, as it is quickly absorbed and scattered in the first few meters. Blue light, on the other hand, penetrates the deepest in water due to its longer wavelength.

What is the zone that is out in the open ocean where light penetrates only to a depth of a few hundred meters?

The surface zone

What color light penetrates human tissue the deepest?

blue light penetrates the deepest in water

Which type of light penetrates the least in water?

Red light penetrates the least in water because it has longer wavelengths and is more easily absorbed, while blue light penetrates the farthest as it has shorter wavelengths and is scattered less.

Why is there no red light below 6 meters in the ocean but there is blue light at 35 meters?

Red light is absorbed quickly in water and doesn't penetrate past a few meters, while blue light can penetrate deeper as it is scattered less and absorbed more slowly. That's why red light is not visible below 6 meters in the ocean, while blue light can still be seen at 35 meters.

What are sunlight conditions like in each of the four ocean zones.?

It varies

Which color of light penetrates the deepest into the ocean?


What wavelength of light penetrates the deepest?

In the ocean, blue light penetrates the deepest due to its shorter wavelength and higher energy compared to longer-wavelength light. Blue light can travel further through water before being absorbed, making it the dominant color at greater depths.

Why is UVA light considered a mutagen?

Because it penetrates the skin and can cause mutations.

How does blue light penetrate water?

All light penetrates water to a certain extent. However, the shorter the wavelength of the light, the more energy it carries and the less it is absorbed by the water. Blue has a short wavelength compared to red light, so it penetrates further than most of the rest of the visible spectrum.

What type of light penetrates the most in water?

Blue light penetrates the most in water because it has a shorter wavelength and higher energy, allowing it to penetrate deeper than other colors such as red or green, which get absorbed more quickly.

Why does visibility decrease as you travel below the oceans surface?

The farther you go down, the harder it is to see, because the water is not perfectly transparent and it gradually cuts down on the light that penetrates from the surface. So it gets dark.