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Q: M doing mastubarate for 5 years m i able to produce a child?
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How could a woman 90 years of age conceive a child?

It was Gods doing, as all things are possible with God.

Why are you producing milk after 4 years after last child and a tubal ligation?

My youngest is 13 and I still produce milk, but it is yellow to black. I talked to my OB and she said it was ok.

Can a mother collect child support once the child reaches twenty?

no not at the age of 20 years of the child. It may be of 25 years of the child

What if a 23 years old have child with a 17 years old?

They have a child and they will have to take care of the child, support it, and raise it.

Can children be reunited back with a parent if parental rights have been involuntarily terminated?

Once the child reaches eighteen years they can reunite if they wish.Once the child reaches eighteen years they can reunite if they wish.Once the child reaches eighteen years they can reunite if they wish.Once the child reaches eighteen years they can reunite if they wish.

If you have a baby through an affair with a married woman does her husband have any rights to the child after six years of raising the child as his own?

In most states, a child born in wedlock (to a legally married couple) is presumed to be the child of the husband. Legally, the court recognizes that the husband is the father of the child and will not initiate any action which will separate the parent/child relationship without a very good reason for doing so. Consult an attorney if you wish to be a part of the child's life however; it is generally in the best interest of the child to not have his/her life disturbed after six years of knowing her mother's husband as her daddy. Please consider your options from the perspective of this beautiful child.

How many years do olive trees produce?

Olive trees can produce olives for approximately 100 years, but they can live longer than that.

How old are you when your a child?

A child is 4-9 years old

Can a child be in American Idol?

if the child is 16 years and older

My child who is 5 years old went to school and pulls her zipper down in front of other kids and wants tmen to look at privates what do you say to them and should you ground a child for doing this.?

Say ", Don't do that or you will be grounded. And you wont see your friends ever again!"

Can you be granted emergency custody of your child if your ex is now married to someone who has a misdemeanor drug charge?

Unless she is doing drugs now or dealing with drugs she is not unfit to be around the child. Many people have minor charges from their teen years but are great parents when older.