

Best Answer

you don't

Another reply: It takes a long time to get even a few millions. I managed to make about a million in a week, but in general it takes longer. Some people apparently have obtained billions, but it surely took them quite a while - months, or more likely years.

Note that there is a limit to how much you can hold at any moment: about 2 billion coins (or 2 billions of any other item). This is related to the Java data type used. You can have much more value than that, with some other item. If you do manage to get over 2 billion coins, you can buy some other item, say, runite ore, rune armour sets, etc., before reaching this amount. The limit is just 2 billion of any single item (including coins).

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You can sign up for a free RuneScape account on the RuneScape website.

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