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Q: Mankind always takes up only search problem and can solve?
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It is to use science for a practical job or to solve a problem.

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This problem can be easily solved by Svchost Fix Wizard - search for this program in internet. I have used it.

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I would Call child protective services. Tell them and they will come in and solve the problem. Search for your local branch and report the problem

What are two different ways to solve this problem 30.50 -17.79?

You always have the choice of doing it by calculator or by pencil.

What is the difference between solving a problem and analyzing a problem?

When you analyze a problem you look it over which is what analyzing means. You look over the problem and then you solve it. When you solve a problem you solve it and you use certain steps and solve it but of course everyone has there ways to solve a problem but some people have ways to solve it by just analysing it. That is the difference.

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There is always a cause for something, find out the reason for the problem and look for a way to solve it. There is no problem taking the leadership role.

Why do you like science?

Science help mankind to solve problem. Science has many options like biology, computer, physics and health. Science can be studied and scientist are among the best paid.

How can mixed economy system solve the problem of unemployment?

It cant..The way this System is built you will always have Winners and Losers.