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Q: Many centuries ago Europeans celebrated the what on December21?
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Many centuries ago Europeans celebrated what on December 21?

the winter solstice

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Diwali ws celebrated for many, many centuries.

When was Groundhog Day first celebrated?

Groundhogs Day was first celebrated in Pennsylvania many many years ago - in the 18th and/or 19th centuries. It is suspected that it is from a German lineage.

What was the relationship between trade and religion for europeans in Asia?

Europeansfirst traveled to Asia for trade Then in the 13th & 14th centuries, a number of Europeans, many of them Christian missionaries, had sought to penetrate China. The most famous of these travelers was Marco Polo.

In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries why did Europeans practice imperialism?

They hoped to develop their countries' wealth and technology by using their colonies as a source of income. Additionally, many Europeans sought to convert the natives on their colonial lands to Christianity and strip the natives of their own culture and traditions.

What is an positive effect by Europeans?

One positive effect of European colonization was the introduction of modern infrastructure, education, and technology to many colonized regions, which helped to spur economic development and improve living conditions for some people.

Is it true that the slavery had never existed in the world before the Europeans began to colonize America?

No. Slavery existed for many centuries before North America was known. The Egyptians and Romans had slaves. In fact, the African tribes that presented slaves to the Europeans knew very well what it was that they were doing.

How many years has the GAA been going on?

The Gaelic Athletic Association was founded on the 1st of November, 1884. In 2009 it is celebrated its 125th anniversary. The sports it governs all predate it by centuries.

How many pages does The Europeans have?

The Europeans has 255 pages.

Why are European homes named?

Probably because centuries ago, the Europeans' ancesotrs owned castles and had a high caste status, thus giving them the privilege to name their home something grand like Castle Higorria or something. Since naming your house isn't illegal, many Europeans choose to name them.

How did the Protestant Reformation contribute to the Enlightenment in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries?

It led many people to question the idea that a king's power came from God.

How many centuries in 10 scores?

two centuries