A modern expression would be "familiarity breeds contempt". That is "we've known this guy for years, he's one of us, he can't know anything we don't know".
Leviticus chapter 13 verse 29 and 30 chapter 14 verse 19 chapter 19 verse 27 chapter 21 verse 5 1 Samuel chapter 17 verse 35 chapter 21 verse 13 2 Samuel chapter 10 verse 4 chapter 10 verse 5 chapter 19 verse 24 chapter 20 verse 9 Ezra chapter 9 verse 3 Psalm chapter 133 verse 2 Isaiah chapter 7 verse 20 chapter 15 verse 2 Jeremiah chapter 41 verse 5 chapter 48 verse 37 Ezekiel chapter 5 verse 1
gen 1:3-4
There are 4 parables in Mark chapter 4. The Sower is discussed in detail in verses 3-8. The Seed is mentioned in verse 20. The Lamp in verse 21 (see also Luke 8:16 and Luke 11:33 ) is mentioned. The Grain Of Mustard Seed is found in verses 31-32 (see also Matthew13:31-32 and Luke 13:19 ).
Hear, O Israel! The Lord your God, is one!
The color brown is found 4 times in the Bible. The book of Genesis chapter 30 verse 30 through verse 40 mentions the color.
Leviticus chapter 13 verse 29 and 30 chapter 14 verse 19 chapter 19 verse 27 chapter 21 verse 5 1 Samuel chapter 17 verse 35 chapter 21 verse 13 2 Samuel chapter 10 verse 4 chapter 10 verse 5 chapter 19 verse 24 chapter 20 verse 9 Ezra chapter 9 verse 3 Psalm chapter 133 verse 2 Isaiah chapter 7 verse 20 chapter 15 verse 2 Jeremiah chapter 41 verse 5 chapter 48 verse 37 Ezekiel chapter 5 verse 1
If you submit this answer again stating which book of the Bible, chapter 4, then perhaps I may be able to help.
Mark the author of the gospel of Mark had the apostle Paul his cousin Barnabas , as it is mentioned in the book of the epistle of Paul to the Colossi ans chapter 4 verse 10, there was another friend and worker Aristarchus as well.
chapter 4 verse 8
It can be found in genesis chapter 4 verse 18.
The name " Muhammad" is mentioned in the Holy Quran for four times: 1. verse 144 of chapter 3 2. verse 40 of chapter 33 3. verse 2 of chapter 47 (The Chapter is titled with His name " Muhammad") 4. verse 29 of chapter 48 & He PBUH is mentioned once with the name " Ahmad "& many times as " prophet", "Messenger" & " Messenger of Allah"..etc.
I believe you meant "Cain" and the Bible doesn't specify what the mark was, only that God marked him off to protect him from anyone seeking to avenge Abel's murder.
Judges Chapter 4, verse 19.
Adam is the father genesis chapter 4 verse 24.
gen 1:3-4
II Timothy 4:11 - Only Luke is with me. Take Mark, and bring him with thee: for he is profitable to me for the ministry. (KJV)
it is mentioned in the Cain and abel story in genesis, i think its in chapter 4 (just like the song chapter 4)