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Q: Math equations like algebra one
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Related questions

Where was algebra founded?

algebra was origionated from early greece. they had created one of the first algebreik equations-pie-

Is pre-algebra and intergrated algebra the same?

No. Pre-algbrea is for kids who need to go deeper then one-time notes. Intergrated algebra is like an advance math class.

Where can one find algebra worksheets?

There are several websites that have algebra worksheets one can download free. Among these websites is one called Math Drill, and there is another called Math.

What are the levels of math?

elementary math, math 6, intro-pre algebra, pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, algebra II, uh... sorry, can't help with this one, trig, calculus, i think calculus 2, then discrete math. I may not be right, but close enough

Do most teens like math?

According to one survey, most teens dislike math, but for various reasons. The main reason is the level of math they are in - some teens are in Calculus, Geometry, and Algebra II, while others are in Pre-Algebra and regular mathematics. No Way!!

What is a good slogan for the elimination method or substitution method in math (algebra)?

"A slogan for the elimination method in algebra could be 'Combine and conquer!' This highlights the strategy of adding or subtracting equations to eliminate variables. For the substitution method, a slogan like 'Swap and solve!' could emphasize the idea of substituting expressions to find the solution."

Where can one find free algebra worksheets?

There are a number of places online which offer free algebra worksheets. Math Drills and Math Worksheets Go have free algebra worksheets available. Other places which offer free algebra worksheets include Helping With Math and Soft Schools.

What other math uses algebra?

more than one math uses algebra for example polynomials also use algebra and you can use algebra to figure out your pay for a year or to figure out your yearly interest on the amount you put in your savings account.

How does algebra help you in math?

Algebra is the backbone of Math. By setting variables in other types of math, like geometry and probability, algebra can be used to solve for sides, angle measures, prove many hypothesis, and much more. Algebra is used more for applications (If 4 pens and 1 pencil cost 6 dollars while 1 pen and 4 pencils cost 4 dollars, how much is the combined cost of one pen and one pencil?) rather than straight math (4a+b=6 and a+4b=4, the a+b=?) Algebra is a very important topic covered in math. I feel that algebra is the toughest topic in math, but with right teachers nothing is difficult.

How is math related to math?

Math is related to math because math(1) is technically math(2) itself, because there is really no description how math(1) is the same as math(2). There is only one math, except for types of math, like algebra.

What is a Branch of math that uses letters called variables?

Algebra is one.

What algebra used for?

Algebra is used repeatedly in scientific fields such as astronomy, computer science, and so on. After all, algebra and science go hand in hand. If one was to research further into this, algebra is also used for basic math. For people who like to shop and find the best deals, algebra is used big time in shopping.