* subtract * solve * scalene (type of triangle) * square * square root * sum * six * seven * square feet * symmetry * symbol * set * sub set * sine
in science it means chlorine * * * * * In mathematical terms, as specified in the question, it is more likely to refer to centilitre(s).
BinomialBisectorBrackets One word can be "binomial". Another word can be" bracket[s]"
Samson, Seth, Simon, Samuel, (Oh!) Susannah, Solomon and Sarah are a few..
I do not know of such a word related to math(s)
rate, math,s
· synchronized swimming
Some breads that begin with the letter S are:sourdoughsesame seedsorghumshortbread
Sweet pea, sunflower, salvia, snowball and snapdragon are flowers. They begin with the letter S.
Salamander, salmon, seal, sheep, skunk, snake and swan are creatures. They begin with the letter s.
Some verbs that begin with the letter S are:samplesandsapsasssavesavorsawsayscalescoldscoopscorescourscrewseeseeksellsendserveseversewshareshearshipshootshoreshoveshowshowershrinksignalsingsingesighsightsiresitskewskipskirtslaughtersleepsliceslideslipslitslopslopesmilesmellsmokesmoothsmotesnowsobsoothesortsowspearspellspikespillspinspitsplitsplurgespoilspoonstabstampstandstaplestarstarestealsteerstepstewstingstitchstokestompstoopstopstorestormstrikestripstripestrokestumblesuesurfsurgeswallowswampswapswearswellswingswipeswitch
Software engineer and satellite engineer are engineering jobs. They begin with the letter s.· Software Engineer
Compliments that begin with the letter S are: scintillating smart so wonderful splendid stupendous superb sweet
Spider, scorpion and sandflies are insects. They begin with the letter s.