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Q: Maximum number of individuals a particular place can support?
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The carrying capacity for a species represent the maximum number of ______ an ecosystem can support?

individuals an ecosystem can support.

The carrying capacity for a species represents the maximum number of an ecosystem can support.?

individuals an ecosystem can support.

What is the maximum number of individuals of a species that and area can support?

The maximum number of individuals a species can support in a given area is known as its carrying capacity. This limit is determined by factors such as available resources (food, water, shelter), competition with other species, and environmental conditions. As the population approaches its carrying capacity, individuals may experience increased competition and resource scarcity, which can lead to a decrease in population growth or even a decline in numbers.

What is a name for the maximum population size an environment can support?

'Carrying Capacity' The maximum number of individuals that a given environment can support without detrimental effects.

Which term describes the maximum number of individuals an ecosystem can support over time for a given population?

Carrying capacity

The largest population that an area can support is called its?

Carrying capacity. This term refers to the maximum number of individuals of a particular species that an environment can sustain indefinitely. It takes into account factors such as available resources, space, and competition among species.

What describes the largest number of individuals than an environment can support?

Carrying capacity describes the largest number of individuals that an environment can support.

The largest population that an environment can support is called?

Carrying capacity. It refers to the maximum number of individuals that an environment can sustainably support without damaging the ecosystem or depleting its resources.

In which class support maximum number of host?

class A supports maximum number of hosts. | | | | | <------network------><--------------------------------hosts------------------------------------>

What term describes the largest number of individuals that an environment can support?

Carrying capacity is the term that describes the largest number of individuals of a species that an environment can support indefinitely. It takes into account factors like food availability, habitat space, and competition among individuals.

How may increasing the amount of a limiting nutrient in a pond affect the carrying capacity of the pond?

Well the carrying capacity is the maximum number of individuals of a particular species that a particular environment can take, then it works to stabilize that population. So adding a limiting factor would stabilize the populations size more.

The number of individuals with a particular phenotype divided by the total number of individuals in the population is the?

frequency of that phenotype in the population.