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Q: May remain in a prolonged exponential phase?
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When was exponential growth and decay invented?

They were not invented because they predated the first human beings. They existed at least millions of years before there was anyone to "invent" them.All novae produce radioactive elements and these decay exponentially. So exponential decay predates the formation of the solar system.I am not sure, but stellar fusion may be exponential. But, in any case, there are life forms on earth, like bacteria, that exhibit exponential growth. These bacteria, and therefore exponential growth, predate human beings by a few million years.They were not invented because they predated the first human beings. They existed at least millions of years before there was anyone to "invent" them.All novae produce radioactive elements and these decay exponentially. So exponential decay predates the formation of the solar system.I am not sure, but stellar fusion may be exponential. But, in any case, there are life forms on earth, like bacteria, that exhibit exponential growth. These bacteria, and therefore exponential growth, predate human beings by a few million years.They were not invented because they predated the first human beings. They existed at least millions of years before there was anyone to "invent" them.All novae produce radioactive elements and these decay exponentially. So exponential decay predates the formation of the solar system.I am not sure, but stellar fusion may be exponential. But, in any case, there are life forms on earth, like bacteria, that exhibit exponential growth. These bacteria, and therefore exponential growth, predate human beings by a few million years.They were not invented because they predated the first human beings. They existed at least millions of years before there was anyone to "invent" them.All novae produce radioactive elements and these decay exponentially. So exponential decay predates the formation of the solar system.I am not sure, but stellar fusion may be exponential. But, in any case, there are life forms on earth, like bacteria, that exhibit exponential growth. These bacteria, and therefore exponential growth, predate human beings by a few million years.

Does an equation tell the whole story?

No. An equation can remain unanswered, it may be incomplete and it may be inaccurate.

What is the mathematics term for scientific notation?

The term you may be referring to is "exponential". For example, 98 (9 to the 8th power) is scientific notation, or "exponential". 98 = 9 x 9 x 9 x 9 x 9 x 9 x 9 x 9, which = 43,046,721

What is the difference between significant figures and exponent notations?

Significant figures is a way of trying to convey how accurately something is being measured. A very accurate scale may measure .001 grams, a bathroom scale may be only accurate to within 2 lbs. Exponential notation has nothing to do with measurement. It is just a choice on how to write a number, usually for some mathematical application. 243 = 35 this is exponential 'notation'. Scientific notation is a certain type of exponential notation in which the base must be 10. 243 = 2.43 x 102 that is scientific notation.

What happens to the range as the domain increases and decreases?

The range may increase or decrease with the domain or it may remain the same.

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The prolonged plateau phase is a stage in the sexual response cycle where arousal is maintained at a high level for an extended period without reaching climax. It can occur in both males and females and may result in increased sexual tension and sensitivity.

What is the stage where bacteria grows rapidly?

Under ideal conditions, the growth of a population of bacteria occurs in several stages termed lag, log, stationary, and death.During the lag phase, active metabolic activity occurs involving synthesis of DNA and enzymes, but no growth.Geometric population growth occurs during the log, or exponential phase, when metabolic activity is most intense..Following the log phase, the growth rate slows and the production of new cells equals the rate of cell death. This period, known as the stationary phase, involves the establishment of an equilibrium in population numbers and a slowing of the metabolic activities of individual cells. The stationary phase reflects a change in growing condition—for example, a lack of nutrients and/or the accumulation of waste products.When the rate of cell deaths exceeds the number of new cells formed, the population equilibrium shifts to a net reduction in numbers and the population enters the death phase, or logarithmic decline phase. The population may diminish until only a few cells remain, or the population may die out entirely.

What phase do cells remain in when not dividing?

Cells remain in the G0 phase when they are not actively dividing. In this phase, cells are not preparing to divide and may either stay in this phase temporarily or permanently, depending on the cell type and its specific function.

Which phases of a typical bacterial growth curve illustrates a log change in cell number. Oviously log or growth phase is logarithmic. Is the death phase a negative log change?

The log phase of a bacterial growth curve represents exponential growth in cell number. It is followed by the stationary phase, where cell growth stabilizes. The death phase shows a decrease in cell number, but it may not necessarily follow a negative logarithmic trend.

What are the causes of a prolonged expiration phase?

Causes of a prolonged expiration phase can include airway obstruction, such as in conditions like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or bronchiolitis. Other potential causes may include bronchospasm, mucus accumulation in the airways, or lung diseases like interstitial lung disease. It is important to consult a healthcare provider for proper evaluation and management.

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When cell is not dividing it is in?

When a cell is not dividing, it is in the interphase stage of the cell cycle. During interphase, the cell grows, carries out its normal functions, and prepares for cell division. It is divided into three subphases: G1, S, and G2.

When does exponential growth of population stop?

Exponential growth may occur in environments where there are few individuals and plentiful resources but when the number of individuals become large enough resources will be depleted slowing the growth in exponential growth.

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Prolonged use of diuretics may leard to difficiency in which electrolyte?


What may result in a RSI when using a computer?

Prolonged and repetitive typing on a keyboard.

A person who is subjected to noise pollution over a prolonged period may suffer from .?

A person who is subjected to noise pollution over a prolonged period will likely suffer from hearing loss.