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pedmas mean parentheses exponets divide multiply add subtraction

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Q: Meaning of all letters in pedmas?
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What does PEDMAS stand for?

parentheses exponents multiplication addition subtraction

Does the order in which you perform operations in a numerical expression matter?

Yes, unless all of the operations are additions, or all of them are multiplication. Otherwise, changing the order will change the result. The order of operations is determined by parentheses, or if none are present, by the PEDMAS sequence.The order in which mathematical operations must be done has the acronym PEDMAS or PEMDAS. PEDMAS or PEMDAS, no matter how you spell it, gives the correct order for mathematical operations: 1. P - Parentheses, 2. E - Exponents, MD - Multiplication and Division, AS - Addition and Subtraction.

What is the meaning friendly letters?

the meaning of friendly letters is to recognize the people that write the paragraph

What word is formed by unscrambling the letters uneieatibhslo?

There is no one word that contains all the letters. It can form phrases of no particular meaning, such as "loutish beanie."

What is the belief that all mankind can be saved?

1 word. 3 letters. 1 meaning. GOD.

What is the meaning of each letters of the word history?

You must be thinking of the word in Chinese. In Chinese, the pictograms each have a signification, and have a further signification in combination. In all languages which use a purely alphabetic system, the letters do not have any meaning on their own. They only have meaning in combinations which are words.

What is the meaning of every letter of English?

There is no meaning it just letters.

Are numbers part of the alphabet?

No. An alphabet consists of only letters. A phoneme is a unit of language which has meaning. Letters, numbers, and symbols are all phonemes. There are dozens of phoneme types and subtypes. For instance, within letters you have consonants and vowels.

What is the meaning of a male singer with a high voice 5 letters?

A male singer with a high voice that is five letters long is: tenor. Note that there are males with higher voices than this, but all of these are more than five letters long.

What is a 6 letter word meaning a cure?

You can make one other word using all of the letters of 'cure': ecru.Other words that can be made using some of the letters are:CruCueCurEcuRecRueErRe

What is the meaning of the letters in mother?

Depending on who answers this question, the letters can have any number of meanings.

What the meaning Lower case alphanumeric characters?

A choice of characters on a keyboard that can include all the numbers and letters (1 to 0 and a to z) is called alphanumeric. If the choice is case-sensitive, meaning that it makes a difference if you choose upper or lower case (capitals and small letters), lower case alphanumeric characters would not include capital letters. A list of alphanumeric characters excludes all the signs.