1. beg a fly to stay calm
2. pic her up and give her a kiss of reconciliation
3. measure her , be careful
if 1-3 doesn't work, catch one without smashing and do your work
One is Drosophillia melanogaster, a common genetic workhorse and common fruit fly. It has only four chromosomes.
they all listening to fly FM pagi show and looking the answers for the WYUB in the web ;p
You measure length in many ways: using a ruler or yardstick, using a string or tape measure, using a machine to drive or fly over a distance, or using a satellite. Length is measured in units such as centimeters, meters, kilometers, or inches, yards and miles.
how many legs does house fly haves bc look like my hp is wrong i count them it said five like what what's it sayinggeez
You should fly a kite where there is no power lines. Parks are great places to fly kites.
I would go with millimetres
You would use the metric unit of millimeters (mm) to measure the size of a common house fly.
You measure a house fly in millimeters
Musca. The common house fly is scientifically named Musca domestica.
Musca. The common house fly is scientifically named Musca domestica.
The house fly can be found basically anywhere, it is the most common type of fly we encounter in our everyday lives.
House fli.
a fly that you find in your house
Get a fly swatter. That will control it really quick.
Class Insecta
The common house fly has millions of cells in its entire body. It is amazing how such a small creature has so many cells.
Cluster flies are slightly larger than the common house fly. The main difference is in the sucking parts used in the mouth.