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Q: Merchandise was sold by an agent totaling at 4500 Her commission was 8 percent?
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A real estate agent earns about a 6 percent commission on each house sold How much commission would an agent earn on a house that sold for 125000?


Do you have to pay a commission if your agent sell your home to another agent they both want a commission?

The total commission amount should be in the listing agreement. If your listing agent has agreed to sell your home for 6% and another agent decides to buy it, your listing agent is responsible for paying that agent's commission out of the 6% commission you have agreed to pay them for procuring a buyer. They are not allowed to unilaterally demand a separate commission for the other agent. If they try to force you to pay extra commission above the original amount you agreed to pay you should contact that agent's broker in charge. If you do not get satisfaction from the broker in charge then contact your state's Real Estate Commission and complain long and loudly.

What is an agent's take called?


What is the difference between franchise and agency?

Agency : principle is liable for the act of agent and agent get fees or commission from the principle. Franchise : Principle is not liable for the act of agent and PRINCIPAL get fees of commission form the agent.

What is the Difference between brokerage and commission?

difference between broker and commission agent

How much should you pay a real estate agent when buying a house?

Standard commission in the US is 3% to selling agent, 3% to listing agent. The seller pays the commission.

If I'm purchasing a house for 25000 how much do i pay my realtor?

Typically the commission is paid by the seller, which the buyer's agent & seller's agent split in half. If you are paying the agent a commission, he or she is getting paid twice. If I were you, I would look for another agent that will accept the commission that is being paid by the seller.

Is the Lic Agent's Commission is 0 in the 2011?

No, Lic policies have shown much growth in 2011. For more information on Lic agent and The commission of Lic agent Visit: Authorized<a href=""> Lic Agent</a>

What percentage of a real estate agent's commission typically goes to the broker?

the commission belongs to the broker not the agent; question should read "WHAT PERCENTAGE OF THE BROKERS COMMISSION GOES TO THE AGENT" It varies from brokerage to brokerage, depends upon the broker -agent contract, could be 50% or less or could be a flat fee.

How much real estate commission do new home sales agents earn?

A real estate agent can earn usually from five to ten percent of a commission based on how much the property was sold for. they could earn more or less depending on how much the property is worth and what percentage the owner is willing to pay for the agent to sell his property.

What is the percentage of a realtor commission today?

Although the typical commission rate is 7% for Residential and 10% Commercial there is no set commission rate, it all depends of the amount of work you want the agent to do (advertising, paperwork, ect.) and how much incentive you want to give the buyers agent which makes your house desirable for agents to show, also the agent does not get all of the commission, it is divided between the agent his broker the buyers agent and his broker plus advertising.

A real estate agent earns about a 6 commission on each house sold. How much commission would an agent earn on a house that sold for 125000?