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Q: Minimum number of people in a meeting?
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What are the implications if there is not a quorum at a meeting?

A quorum is the minimum number of members of an organization required to transact business in a meeting. If there is no quorum at a meeting, then votes cannot be taken at that meeting.

How do you use quorum in a sentence?

quorum = minimum number of people required for a meeting or assembly before it can validly start eg The annual meeting couldn't start until a fourth person arrived, because the quorum for a valid meeting was four.

What are the minimum and maximum requirements when drawing a triangle?

Minimum and maximum requirements: three straight lines meeting pairwise. Minimum and maximum requirements: three straight lines meeting pairwise. Minimum and maximum requirements: three straight lines meeting pairwise. Minimum and maximum requirements: three straight lines meeting pairwise.

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principle of explosives safety

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reduce the number of people exposed to hazards

The number of people in a PAR team should be kept to a minimum of?

reduce the number of people exposed to hazards

What is the maximum number of people in a meeting?

The maximum depends on the capacity of the venue

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If there had been 10 people at the meeting how many handshakes would there have been?

There would have been 45 handshakes among 10 people at a meeting. This can be calculated using the formula n(n-1)/2, where n represents the number of people.

At what number of people is it considered a line?

well, if a line is considered to conect two points, then two people is the minimum line.

Should countries in the Olympics have a minimum number of athletes?

There is a minimum number, it is one.

What is the number of people required for the Seder meal?

One person who is alone is able to make a Seder. There is no minimum number of people, although it would be nicer is you had other people at the Seder celebrating with you.