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Great trivia and recent events question

1.Dhaka,Bangladesh- 117,865.2 people sq mi(45,508/km2) (2006)

2. Male', Maldives - 47415 people/sq/km (2006)

3. Kolkata, India - 27460 people/sq km (2009)

4. Mumbai, India - 21880 people/sq km (2008)

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Q: Most densely populated city in the world?
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Which is the most densely populated city in the world?

The most densely populated city in the world is Manila, the capital of the Philippines. It has a population density of over 41,000 people per square kilometer.

Where are the most densely populated areas in Russia and Europe?

The most densely populated area in Russia is the city of Moscow and most densely populated area in Europe is the city of Paris.

Is Turkey a densely populated city or a sparsely populated city?

Turkey is a country, not a city. Istanbul is a densely populated city, but most of Anatolia is sparsely populated.

What is the most densely populated city in the world?

According to several sources, the current most densely populated city is Mumbai, India.There is around 29,650 people per square kilometer.

What city is most densely populated in world?

Shanghai, with 13,800,000 people. As of 2009.

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Metropolitan areas of Pakistan are the most densely areas. Karachi is the most densely populated city of Pakistan.

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The Northern Plains are the densely populated region of India. Uttar Pradesh is the densely populated state of India. Delhi is the densely populated city in India.

What is the most densely populated part of Mexico?

Barbados is the most densely populated Middle American country and the 10th most densely populated nation in the world.

Where are the most densely populated areas located?

Monaco is the world's densest country and Manila in the Philippines is the densest city in the world.

Where is the highest population density in Europe?

The most densely populated country is Monaco, a microstate on the border between Italy and France. Ignoring microstates, the most densely populated country would be the Netherlands. The most densely populated city is Paris.

What is th biggest city in the world?

The biggest city in the world by population is Tokyo, Japan. It is also one of the most densely populated cities in the world.

What is the most densley populated city in the world?

The most populated city in the world is Shanghai, China. The population of Shanghai is 24,150,000 people. The second most populated city is Karachi.