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Q: Muscles are responsible for movement what cell part performs this function?
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In the body the muscles are responsible for movement what cell part performs this function?


In a human body the muscles are responsible for movement What cell part performs this function?


Are muscles responsible for movement?

Yea muscles are responsible for movement

In the human body the muscles are responsible for movement what cell part perform this function?


What is the function of muscles?

The muscle performs many important functions for the body. It produces movement, maintains posture and gives shape to your body, stabilizes joints, and generates heat. Muscles protect your internal organs as well. The visceral or smooth muscles assist in the circulation of blood. The skeletal muscles are responsible for uncontrolled motions, and your cardiac muscles make your heart beat automatically. Producing movement, maintaining posture, stabilizing joints, generating heat

What is the body part responsible for movement?


Which muscles is responsible for opposition movement of the thumb?

The muscles responsible for opposition movement of the thumb are the opponens pollicis and the abductor pollicis brevis. These muscles help bring the tip of the thumb in contact with the tips of the other fingers.

What is the difference between organs and muscles?

Organs are structures made up of different types of tissues that perform specific functions in the body, such as the heart or liver. Muscles are a type of tissue that contract and relax to produce movement, and they are found throughout the body attached to bones. Muscles are a component of organs and play a role in their function.

What parts of the body are responsible for movement?


Muscle responsible for most of a movement is called?

The muscle that is responsible for most of a movement is called a prime mover. It may also be called an agonist.

What do muscles do for the body?

The main function of the muscular system is movement. Muscles are the only tissue in the body that has the ability to contract and therefore move the other parts of the body. Related to the function

What is the muscle acting as a helper to accomplish a particular movement?

Agonist muscles are the primary muscles responsible for producing movement. However, synergist muscles are helper muscles that assist the agonist in executing a particular movement. Synergists help stabilize the movement and control the direction in which the force is exerted.