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Bad- falling off a building

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Q: Name one situation in which gravitational potential might be useful and name one where it might be dangerous?
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Situation in which gravitational potential energy might be useful?

A roller coaster

One situation in which gravitational potential energy is useful?

Gravitational potential energy is useful in determining the potential energy stored within an object based on its position in a gravitational field. For example, it is used in calculating the energy required to lift an object to a certain height, such as when raising a weight in a crane or lifting water to a higher level in a hydroelectric dam system.

Why do we need gravitational energy?

Gravitational potential energy stored in the water reserved in a dam becomes useful to generate electricity.

How is gravitational potential energy useful?

Gravitational potential energy is useful because it allows us to understand and calculate the energy stored in an object based on its position in a gravitational field. This energy can be converted into kinetic energy as an object falls or moves against gravity, making it important for studying motion and dynamics. Additionally, gravitational potential energy is crucial in fields such as engineering, physics, and astronomy for analyzing systems and designing structures.

What is one situation where gravitational potential energy might be useful?

Gravitational potential energy can be useful in determining the energy needed to lift objects to a certain height, such as in construction projects where cranes are used to hoist materials to different levels of a building. The calculation of gravitational potential energy can help ensure that the appropriate amount of energy is applied to perform the task efficiently and safely.

Example for when gravitational potential energy is useful?

Gravitational potential energy is useful in everyday life when considering activities like lifting objects, climbing stairs, or using elevators. This energy is transformed when an object is lifted against gravity, stored in the object in the form of potential energy, and can be converted back to kinetic energy when the object is released.

Why is potential energy useful?

Potential energy is useful because it allows a system to store energy that can be converted into kinetic energy when needed. It plays a crucial role in various processes such as chemical reactions, elastic deformations, and gravitational interactions. Harnessing potential energy enables us to efficiently store and utilize energy in different forms.

Why might a useful chemical be dangerous?

A chemical can be useful in one context, but dangerous in another due to factors such as toxicity, flammability, or reactivity. For example, while chlorine is used to purify water, it can be harmful if inhaled in its gaseous form. Understanding the potential hazards and using appropriate safety measures is important when handling any chemical.

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Snakes don't help humans..but they are useful for entertainment..but are dangerous.

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I don't know you tell me

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It is useful!

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it is not its made of dangerous gas