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phone number, grocery list, appointment, birthday, address, to pay bills, people's names

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Q: Name something you write down to remember it?
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When you want to remember something you should?

write it down

How is writing helpful?

Writing can help you remember things. If you write something down, you are liable to remember it longer than you would just memorizing it.

There was a classic country song I cant remember all the words Some were I dont remember you but hand me my crayons and I will write down your name .?


How do you remember your iPod touch passcode?

just write it down somewhere. its not that hard to remember 4 numbers. or make ur passcode ur date of birth or something so that u will always remember

Why did Walt Disney write down the name Kurt Russell before he died?

I assume Disney wrote down Kurt Russell's name so he can remember it for a particular reason.

What is a write-down?

A write-down is a depreciation or a lowering of the price of something.

How much do you remember from what you hear see and write?

It depends on you, and on what sort of learner you are. Some people remember more of what they see, and others what they hear or write down.

What is write down in computer communication?

If you write down something on a computer you type it. Therefore, type would be the answer.

How do you memorize a code?

you can write it down or use one u will remember

What is the most easiest way to memorise something?

There are many ways you can Memorize Stuff for a test as an example What I Would do Is Go Home From School And Memorize And Memorize Until I Know I Got It! Or I Would write it down multiple Times To Remember It!

How is writing a form of learning?

Writing is a form of learning because when you think about what you are going to write down, you are thinking -- thinking is the beginning of learning! Also, writing something down helps you to remember it, and helps you learn faster.

How is note taking related to your success as a college student?

Writing something down helps you remember it. A lot of people think that because all the relevant information is found in the text book there is no virtue in writing things down. But I tell you that forcing yourself to write the information down makes you remember it far better.