No. The triangular numbers under 100 are: 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 66, 78, 91 A triangular (or triangle) number is a number which can be made by dots in rows - the first row 1 dot, the 2nd row 2 dots (3 total in the triangle), 3rd row 3 dots (6 total) .... like bowling pins are placed.
uncompleted sentence.
What no they mean
*___*___*___*___*___*___* I *_______*
In grammar, three dots in a row indicates a pause. It is expected that the sentence or dialogue will continue after the dots. Four dots means a pause and the end of that sentence.
Three of the dots are the vertexes of an equilateral triangle, the other three dots are the midpoints of the triangle's sides and the seventh dot is the centroid.
i believe it is called three dots
three dots represents the therefore symbol
Plant the in the shape of an arrowhead with intersecting lines from the middle bottom point. Plant the trees at every corner!!
There are 2 row's of dots on a bowling lane approach. One is at the back of the approach about a foot up from the back edge and the other is about 3 feet toward the foul line. The center dot is the center of the lane. They are there to help you remember where you stand when you start your approach. Some lanes have 5 dots per row and some have 7 dots.
| \ | \ / * * * | / \ * * * | / \ * _ * _ * _ \ up the first row of dots from bottom diagonal down to the right across to left diagonal to the right upwards
1 row of 14 dots
In Braille, three vertical dots represent the letter L. Braille is set up on 6 dots, and the placement of the raised dots changes from letter to letter.
it is obviously the three regis because the statues have three dots and it is also three doors not three holes
0----0----0----0 Three lines; four dots
1 2 3 dots on top