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I think it is called a plateau

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Q: Nearly level area that has been uplifted?
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What is a nearly level area that has been uplifted?

A plateau.

What is a nearly level area that has been uplifted called?

a mountain

What nearly level area has been eroded are called?


What are nearly level area that has been eroded called?

A nearly level area that has been eroded is called a peneplain. It is a landform characterized by extensive, low-relief surfaces that result from prolonged erosion and weathering processes.

Which landforom is a relatively flat area that has high elevation?

A plateau is a relatively flat area that has high elevation compared to its surrounding land. Plateaus are characterized by their flat top surface and steep sides, often formed through volcanic activity or tectonic processes.

What presence would indicate that the land had been uplifted or that sea level had fallen A an estuary B a sea stack C elevated marine terrace D a tombolo?

Elevated marine terrace would indicate that the land had been uplifted, while a tombolo would suggest that sea level had fallen. An estuary is a semi-enclosed coastal body of water where rivers meet the sea, and a sea stack is a tall, vertical column of rock in the sea.

Where igneous rocks are found?

Igneous rock can be found on the surface in areas of current or recent volcanism or in uplifted and eroded areas of past platonic intrusions, deep underground nearly anywhere, or in areas of past or present glaciations, where igneous rock has been eroded and deposited.

What indicates that the land has been uplifted?

An uplift is a hill , a mountain , or change in the usual high-tide mark.

How does mesa form?

Mesas are formed by weathering and erosion of horizontally layered rocks that have been uplifted by tectonic activity.

Has Mount Kosciuszko ever been a volcano?

Oh, dude, Mount Kosciuszko has never been a volcano. It's actually the highest mountain in Australia, but it's a pretty chill one - no fiery eruptions or lava flows here. So, if you were hoping for some volcano action, you'll have to look elsewhere. Like, maybe try Hawaii or something.

A large area of flat land that has been lifted up above sea level is a?

it is a plateau

What does smoke symbolise?

There is, has been or very nearly been a fire.