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for some questions you get more than one mark. good luck :)

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Q: Need 70 to pass a test of 45 questions?
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Need a 70 to pass a test of 150 questions how questions can you miss?

105 out of 150 is 70%. U can miss 45 questions for a 70%.

How many questions can you miss to 70 percent on a 64 question test?

64, of course. Unless you mean how many can you miss and still pass... 70% of 64 is 44.8, so you need 45 to pass so you can miss 19.

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about 45 marks for a UK theory test 2010

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your penguin need to be at least aged 45, and you need to pass the secret agent test which is located in the ski village, and is a room called "Everyday Phoning Facility" and they will give you the test. if you pass, you get the spy pad, and if you get very poor results, you need to do it until you pass.

When you Need a 70 to pass a test of 150 questions how many questions can you miss?

70 % of 150 = 150*70/100 = 105 So, provided you get all the answers correct, you can afford to miss 150 - 105 = 45. If you are capable of getting 105 correct out of 105 why not try and go for the Grand Slam? Get 150 from 150!

What 2 things does an immigrant have to know to pass the citizenship test?

if its in uk.. From November 2005, all people applying for British Citizenship have to go through 'Life in the United Kingdom' test to demonstrate ability to communicate in English and to prove their basic knowledge of history, traditions and customs of UK. The test consists of 24 questions and you are required to answer atleast 18 correctly to pass the test. The time allocated is 45 minutes but all the people i know took less than 5 minutes to answer the questions.

If you took a test and got 45 correct what percent did you get?

If there were n questions, then 100*45/n or 4500/n per cent.

What is the percentage if a test had 45 questions and you got 32 right?

just over 71% 32/45 x 100% = 71.111

How many questions can I miss to get a 90 or better on a 50 question test?

To get at least 90% on a 50 question test, you can miss no more than 5 questions.

45 correct out of 50 questions on a test what would be your score?

If you have 100 points and 50 questions, you take 100 points divided by 50 questions, so you can see how many points each question is, which would be 2 points per question. If you got 45 questions right, multiple 45 by 2 and you get 90%.

You smoked marijuana at 5 pm and have a swab test tomorrow at 8 pm will you pass it?

you'll only pass it if you smoke again at 7:45

What is the first test you have to take to get your learners permit?

It varies by state but you usually just need to pass an eye test and a written text; in my state the written test is in the back of your learners manual, it has about 180 questions in the manual and there are 3 copies of the test, A, B, and C. Each test has about 45 questions or so and are common sense questions such as a picture of a black octagon and "What text would be on this type of sign" with multiple question answers such as "stop" "yield" "pedestrian crossing" and "speed limit" I passed mine on my first try with only 3 questions missed (I believe you can miss up to 6) however, if you do miss too many questions you can just go to another DMV location in your city instead of waiting 2 weeks or however long it is before trying again.