

Need of hypothesis

Updated: 12/11/2022
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16y ago

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To find out if your experiment went as you as you predicted.

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Why do you need a hypothesis?

Because a hypothesis is a question.. so u need a question in order to answer something. to start an whole investigation... u need a questionn (hypothesis)

Is why does a flame need oxygen a topic statement or hypothesis?


What are the two words that should be in your hypothesis?

The two words that need to be in a hypothesis are IF and THEN.

Need a scientific sentence with the word hypothesis?

The results of his experiments did not support his hypothesis.

What is the process of developing a hypothesis?

To develop a hypothesis you need to observe and make an educated guess, by starting the sentence with "If...then.....because...."

When might you need to change your hypothesis?

You won't need to. Your hypothesis is just your prediction or educated guess. It's okay to be wrong.

What is the connection between the innateness hypothesis and the idea of a universal grammar?

the connect between innateness hypothesis and universal grammar is to speak we need innate hypothesis and this hypothesis not enough to speak well so we need something else which called universal grammar

What are the seven step of the scietific method?

There is no 7th step only 5 scientific method steps they are; problem,hypothesis,experiment,data,conclusion. You always need to have a problem to focus on. The hypothesis is very important, a hypothesis is a educated guess to test if your theory OS correct. You need to conduct a experiment to see if your hypothesis is correct. You need to collect data to back up your hypothesis. And last but my least a conclusion to prove if your hypothesis is right or wrong

What does a hypothesis have to have?

"A hypothesis is a proposed answer to a question. To answer the question raised by your observations, the hypothesis must be testable." it means that you need to be able to prove that your hypothesis is true or not by creating an experiment and collect/analyze the data

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What is a hypothesis that does not explain an observation?

When you are using the scientific method, you would try to imagine a hypothesis which explains an observation, but you might not succeed. A hypothesis that does not explain an observation would be considered a failed hypothesis. You would then need to invent a different hypothesis.

What is a hypothesis based on?

A hypothesis is based on you observation, and experiments on what you are going to do. If your hypothesis is wrong or doesn't match the results you had, you would need to modify it, so basically a hypothesis deals with prior knowledge.