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Q: Need satisfying product
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Can you create some sentences using the word satisfying?

That glass of water was very satisfying. This show is satisfying my need for comedy Does it satisfy you that I ate my vegetable?

What is meant by utility and what are the five economic utilities?

we can look utility in two angles product angle it is wants and need satisfying property of c ommodity. consumer angle it is psychologiccal happiness ,pleasure,derived by consumer after consumption.

How do you spell full filing?

The gerund is one word : fulfilling. (satisfying a need)

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What group was the most important in satisfying the need for labor during the late 1800s?


Why should you worry about satisfying the audience?

I think you don't need to worry about satisfying an audience, as long as you are happy with your proformance. Unless, you are one of those people who care about what other people think about you. <3 trinity S.

What do you think will be the single rewarding or satisfying part of being a professional social worker?

to fulfill the dreams of the people in need

Why your job will be a job for life?

Your job will be your job for life if you feel that this work is satisfying and offers you the compensation you need and deserve.

What is meant by the term consumer wants?

Wants are options/alternatives available for satisfying a human need. While hunger is a need, demand for bread and rice are the wants.

What is tourism products?

in order to understand tourism product we need to look at it from the perspective of the suppliers(sellers) and the consumers(tourist), as consumers or tourist generally have a diffrent view from the sellers as to what a tourism product is. we label the tourism product demanded by by consumers- satisfying trips-as the consumer product, and the goods and services produced by the suppliers-transportation,loddging,food and drink-as seller products.2. An action, event or experience in which a tourist takes an active part and which utilizes the natural and cultural resources of a country.

It has been commonly said that marketing is satisfying customers needs at a profit yet critics of marketing have said that marketing creates unnecessary needs wants how would you attempt to explain?

I'm not sure how common it has been said, but marketing is used mainly to influence a need. A company with a product will hire an advertising agency to create desire for a product to the point where one might feel they need it. Scholars will argue till the end of time, but I think this answer is as clear as day.

What do you think will be the single most rewarding or satisfying part of being a professional social worker?

to fulfill the dreams of the people in need