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At a rate of $15 per yard, Nina will earn $90 for mowing 6 yards.

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Q: Nina earns 15 for each yard she mowsthe table shows her earnings for 0 1 2 and 3 yards mowed how much will nina earnif she mows 6 yards?
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Which would you prefer the odd numbered houses or the prime numbered houses?

I would prefer the prime numbered houses, as there are far fewer of them. It would be much easier to keep my yards mowed, and it would be far less costly in property taxes.

How far are you walking if you are mowing 8 acre with a 21 cut mower?

I get 37.71 miles as the answer. Here are my calculations. 8 acres is 50,181,120 sq. inches. if you figure the field is a square, take the square root of this to get 7084 inches. Divide 7084 by 21 to get 337.3 and round up to get 338. So you have to make 338 trips each 7084 inches long to get it mowed. So you walk 338*7084 inches = 338*7084/12 feet = 338*7084*12/5280 miles

Why do plants need fertilizer?

As we need water and food to do our daily tasks similarly plants also need different chemicals to complete their life cycle. Nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus are the most important chemicals. These chemicals are absorbed by the plants through the soil or water. As we know, a lot of crops are being harvested in only one patch of land. So gradually the amount of essential plant nutrients in the soil decreases and soil can't provide the desired quantity of essential plant nutrients to the plants and consequently, the growth of plants is effected. So these plant nutrients are provided to the soil in the form of fertilizer. Actually, fertilizer contain necessary amount of essential chemicals according to the need of soil. In short fertilizer are used for the better growth of plants.

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What is the participle of the word mow?

past participle is mowed or mown. mow mowed mowed/mown.

What is the past of mow?

Mowed He mowed the lawn yesterday.

What is the verbs in this sentence michael mowed the lawn after school.?

The verbs in the sentence are "mowed" and "after school."

What is the present tense of mow?

Mowed I already mowed the yard.

How do you spell mowed?

That is the correct spelling of "mowed" (cut, trimmed) the past tense of to mow.

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Goldenrod is typically found in meadows because it thrives in open, sunny areas with well-drained soil. City parks may have different soil conditions, less sunlight, and more competition from other plants, making it less suitable for goldenrod to grow. Additionally, urban environments often have more disturbance and pollution, which can make it difficult for goldenrod to establish and thrive.

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What is the second mowing of grass called?

Mowed grass does not technically have a name. i looked in my SCIENCE :) book and it said mowed grass can be called nature's shreds. Answer Mowed grass in an agricultural sense is either hay or silage.

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mowed lawns and delivered papers

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Pruned, mowed, and clipped are the verbs.

A home owner's lawn should be mowed every week.?

A home owner's lawn should be mowed every week.