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Q: Normal values for widal test for typhoid?
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Name of the blood test for typhoid?

The blood test for typhoid is called the Widal test. It detects antibodies in the blood against the Salmonella typhi bacteria, which causes typhoid fever.

What are the diagnosis for typhoid fever?

widal test

Will Widal Test after positive resul after treatment in Typhoid?

I mean widal test result positive after treatment

How do you read widal test?

Isolated Widal test reading does not have much clinical significance. Rising titre of Widal test done one week apart, in a febrile patient, indicates typhoid fever. You can have such rising titre of Widal test in healthy patient, after dose of typhoid vaccine.

How you can confirm that typhoid is eradicated with treatment?

widal test.

Why widal test appears negative in first week of typhoid fever?

In Widal test, you measure the antibodies. It takes minimum one week to develop the antibodies of typhoid bacteria.

From which disease is Vidal test related?

Vidal (originally- Widal) test related to Typhoid...To diagnose typhoid this test is being done by pathologists..

What is the AH and BH in the widal test for typhoid?

When using the Widal test for typhoid, the AH and BH should be titers of greater or equal than 1:40 and 1:160 respectively for diagnostic purposes.

How do you read Widal test results for typhoid fever show me normal value s typhi s paratyphi?

mywadil test is 1/160 of Para - typhi AH

How would you distinguish between an incubatory carrier and a chronic carrier of typhoid fever?

Widal test is negative in incubatory carrier. Widal test is always positive in chronic carrier.

How do you interpret the widal test report which says styphi o and h positive 180?

As this test is positive, it clearly means that you have typhoid.

You did a widal test and had these results for both O and H less than 1 divided by 80 Do you have typhoid fever or not?

my test got both 1.80 what is happening to me