Approximately 454,445,445,248,695,630,589,015,754,212,348,261,022,239,154,784,996,324,120, 784,461,243,645,874,104,455,412,201,035,487,454,544,412,301,745,456,104,578, 478,902,404,052,408,633,654,751 blades of grass. In other words, there's too many to count!
Far too many to count.
It depends on the length of grass and that of a brick. In a wild meadow one blade of grass will be much longer than a standard brick. On the other hand, from a freshly prepared bowls green, you will need tens of blades.
about 400,000,000, give or take a bagel
waht is the x blades PC game serial number
Calculating the exact number of blades of grass on a soccer field is a complex task due to various factors such as grass density, blade thickness, and field size. However, on average, a soccer field measuring 100m x 64m may have approximately 2.5 million blades of grass. This estimation is based on the assumption that there are around 625 grass plants per square meter, with each plant having approximately 4,000 individual blades.
Crickets use their teeth to chew up grass blades.
There could be as many as 100 blades of grass in one square inch of lawn. This number could double if the grass is very lush.
The number of blades of grass per square meter can vary widely depending on factors such as grass species, mowing frequency, and soil conditions. On average, there can be hundreds to thousands of grass blades per square meter in a healthy lawn.
a million blades of grass!
First you would have to determine how many were in a smaller area like 1 square foot. This you would have to actually count. Then you would have to figure how many square feet there were to a football field. 150' X 300' equals 45,000 square feet. Multiply the number of blades of grass that you counted in one square foot, times 45,000 and that would tell you approximately how many blades there were. This would be a guess. Or if the field is astroturf then it's easy. Zero. Well there's about 10 blades of grass on a square inch keeping in mind that there's about 39 inches in a meter u do 39x39=15210 per square meter a football field measures about 110 m x 49m... if u take 110x 49= 5390m is the area of a football field u take 5390(area of the football field in meters)x15210(the amount of grass blades in a square meter u get 81,981,900 grass blades on a football field in other words.. 5390x15210= 81, 981,900 blades of grass on a football field per square meter....i only did this because my physics teacher asked us this question n i was online looking for the answer n i found none that were useful n i decided since i found the answer half an hour later to post the answer n the method i used....hope this helps
Waaaay too many to count. Think of it this way: one acre of grassland can hold as many as over a million blades of grass. Now think of the billions of acres of grassland, lawns and pastures in the world and how many blades of grass are in those. Quite a few, right?
My grand-dad used to make whistles out of blades of grass.
It does. Blades of grass are in fact specialized leaves.
There are 144 square inches to the sq. 120 blades of grass per sq. inch it would have 17,280 blades to every sq. foot. 17,280 blades times 160 square feet of surface to the lawn would equal 2,764,800 blades of grass.
their are 50 grass bey blades in the world.I know cause i have been collecting bey blades since 2008.And i have all the grass bey blades and all the l-dragos.