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Parallel lines are two lines which travel in exactly the same direction, or have exactly the same 2d gradient. This means that they would never touch, even if continued to infinity. Parallel planes are planes which travel in exactly the same direction, or have exactly the same 3d gradient. This means that they too would never touch, even if continued to infinity. The fact that they would never touch means that they cannot intersect at any place, so the number of intersections is 0.

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Q: Number of points at which parallel planes intersect?
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How many different planes may share exactly one point?

None. In conventional geometry, any intersection of two planes defines a line, which is an infinite number of points. Many planes may intersect along a single line, or any pair of planes may intersect creating a unique line, but however they intersect, the number of shared points is infinite. If the the planes do not intersect (if they are parallel), then they share zero points.

Do two planes intersect in infinitely many points?

No, perpendicular planes intercept at only one point. Parallel planes do not intersect at all.

What are the number of points at which 2 parallel lines intersect?

Zero; parallel lines never intersect.

Can two planes in three dimensional space intersect at one point?

No, the two planes intersect at a line, which is an infinite number of points.

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What is the number of points at which two parallel lines intersect?

Parallel lines NEVER touch, so zero.

When are two lines in intersecting planes skew?

Each line can either intersect the edge which is common to the two planes at some point or be parallel to it. If the two lines intersect the edge, but at different points, then the lines are skew. If only one of the lines intersects the edge, then again the lines are skew. If neither of them intersect, then the two lines are parallel to the same edge and so they are parallel to one another so not skew.

How many points do tree parallel lines intersect?

None. Parallel lines do not intersect in Euclidean geometry.

Do planes intersect in exactly two points?

No. Either they do not intersect at all, or they intersect in a straight line or are the same.

Can 3 planes intersect at only 1 point?

No, they can intersect at infinitely many points.

Can two planes intersect in infinitely many points?

yes, it may be the two plane intersect at one line or the two planes are coincident.

Can lines on different planes be parallel?

Yes, they can. Since three points define a plane, take any two points on one line and a point on the other line, and form the plane with those three points. Once you have that, then use Euclid's test to see if they are parallel. Alternately, if the planes themselves are parallel, then the lines are as well, since they definitely will never intersect.