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Q: Numbers that describe the position of a point on a plane?
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What is one of the numbers that describe the position of a point on a plane?


One of the numbers that describe the position of a point on a plane?


What type of plane is used to describe the position of a point?

The Cartesian plane

What is a pair of numbers that indicate the position of a point on the plane?


Numbers on the coordinate plane?

An ordered pair of numbers on the coordinate plane denotes a point.

Describe a point a line and plane?

points that lines in the same plane are coplanor

What is the use of complex numbers in geometry?

1 use is to describe a point in the plane. Say you have x=2 and y=11. and can be z=2+i11.

A pair of numbers that can be used to locate a point on a coordinate plane?

The pair of numbers you can use to locate a point on a coordinate plane would be called the ordered pair. Used on maps and on graphs to locate the point.

Does a congruent term describe a line and a point that lie in the same plane?

No, it does not.

In science what three things are necessary to describe the position of an object?

In science, the three things necessary to describe the position of an object are distance from a reference point, direction from the reference point, and a reference point itself.

Is a pair of numbers used to determine the position of a point on a graph?

On a 2-D graph, a pair of numbers are used to determine the position of the point on a graph.

What is a pair of numbers used to represent a point in a plane?

Its called coordinates. These mark the position of a point in space. If you have 2-dimensional place, a pair of numbers can locate any point in that space. If you have 3-dimensional space, then ofcourse you need 3 coordinates (x,y,z) to locate a point in that space and so on for higher dimensions.