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Deamination is the removal of an amino group and its value to a microbe is that it allows the amino acid to be used as a carbon and energy source.

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Q: Of what value is deamination to a microbe?
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Show how alanine could be deaminated to give the end-products indicated alanine pyruvic acid of what value is deamination to a microbe?

Alanine can be deaminated by the enzyme alanine deaminase to form pyruvic acid. This reaction involves the removal of the amino group (-NH2) from alanine. Deamination is valuable to a microbe as it provides a source of carbon for energy production through the production of pyruvic acid, which can enter the citric acid cycle or be used in gluconeogenesis.

The process by which amino groups -NH2 are removed from proteins is called?

Deamination is the process by which amino groups are removed from proteins. This process typically occurs in the liver during the metabolism of proteins.

How do you put deamination in a sentence?

Deamination is the process by which an amino group is removed from a molecule.

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The common cold is caused by a VIRUS not a microbe (a microbe is a bacteria).

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Is microbe a noun?

Yes a "microbe" is classed as a noun

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What is the microbe for Leukemia?

There is no known microbe that causes Leukemia.

How is a microbe useful when composting?

There are a number of reasons why a microbe is useful when composting. A microbe breaks down the food composted.

Main role of deamination in nephron is?

deamination, the removal of the amino group from an amino acid. This is often accomplished by transamination. The amino group is transferred from an amino acid to an -keto acid acceptor. The organic acid resulting from deamination can be converted to pyruvate, acetyl-CoA, or a TCA cycle intermediate and eventually oxidized in the TCA cycle to release energy. It also can be used as a source of carbon for the synthesis of cell constituents. Excess nitrogen from deamination may be excreted as ammonium ion, thus making the medium alkaline.