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Q: On powerboats 26 ft or less in length What determines if passengers may legally ride on the bow or gunwale when the vessel is undeway?
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On power boats 26 feet or less in length what determines if passengers may legally ride on the bow or gunwale when the vessel is underway?

Whether or not the boat has adequate guards or a railing

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When may passengers legally ride on the bow or gunwale when the vessel is underway?

If your boat is a bow rider, that is it has seats built in to the bow are, and hand holds or railings, and people can sit safely, without risk of falling over board, or blocking the operators view, then they can ride there. When a boat is coming into the dock and someone needs to go forward to handle lines, but only if the boat is moving slowly and it is safe to do so. On sailboats to handle or change sails. On either to raise an anchor. On the gunwale, only when the boat is not moving, or it is necessary to retrieve lines or an anchor. The exception is some inflatable boats where the only place to sit is on the tubes, and they have handles or hand holds to hang on to.

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That would require a special license to operate legally.

A boat has railing that are 3 inches high. Under Missouri law where may passengers legally ride?

On a seat beside the operator

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(in the US) Airline Captains that are qualified to carry sidearms - are armed!

When may a passenger legally ride on the bow or gunwale while the boat is underway?

Without having the exact Code of Federal Regulation in front of me, I believe if it is NOT an open bow boat with seats, a child under 16 may not ride forward. Again, I am 90% sure this is correct.

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