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there are 13 rows of stone that make up the pyramid on the dollar because at the time there were only 13 states in the U.S.

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Q: On the dollar how many rows of stone make up the pyramid?
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How many rows of stone made up the pyramid on the one dollare bill?

There are thirteen rows of stone in the pyramid on the dollar bill.

How many rows of stone make up pyramid?

The answer depends on which pyramid. Geometrically, one stone makes a pyramid - a trivial one. Four make a proper pyramid.

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The pyramid was stone, with an outer layer of marble.

How many blocks are in one pyramid?

Around 2 million blocks of stone are in each pyramid.

How many steps are on the pyramid that's on the dollar bill?


How many rows of stone make up the pyramid?

The Great Pyramid has approximately 2.3 million stones weighing anything up to 70 tons.It is estimated to have contained 2.3 million blocks of stone. Its volume is roughly 2.5 million cubic meters.About 2.3 million. These stones ranged in weight from about 2 tons to 70 tons

How many letters are in the motto above the pyramid on the one dollar bill?

on the dollar bill? if it is then its 12 letters

How many kg is one stone from the pyramids of Giza Egypt?

The average weight of a Great pyramid stone was 2,500kg

How many stone were laid each day to build the great pyramid?

About 300

How many letters are in the motto above the pyramid on the dollar bill?

There are Nine letters. I have counted you can even observe by looking very closely into a dollar bill right on the bottom of the pyramid says these letters (MDCCLXXVI).

How many pentagons make a pentagonal pyramid?

Just the one and it will be the base of the pyramid.

How many blocks did it take to build the Pyramid of Giza?

They used 2.3 million blocks of stone