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Q: Once you have reduced a polynomial to a cubic function you can always use the quadratic formula to finish the problem?
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Once you have reduced a polynomial to a quadratic function you can always use the quadratic formula to finish the problem?


Once you have reduced a polynomial to a quartic function you can always use the quadratic formula to finish the problem?


How do you factor x2 plus 7x minus 6?

This is not factorable. You would have to do the quadratic formula for this problem.

Use of polynomial in daily life?

Chemists use quadratic polynomials constantly in equilibrium calculations. To find unknown concentrations in reactions of that nature. The problem reduces to a polynomial that is solved by the quadratic equation. Simplified answer, Using polynomials it will soon be possible to identify some powerful techniques for seeking out the local extrema of functions, these points or bumps are often very interesting.

Is there any connection between Evariste Galois's group theory and symmetry?

There sure is, and a major connection at that.Consider a finite set of n elements. The symmetric group of this set is said to have a degree of n. The symmetric group of degree n (Sn) is the Galois group of the general polynomial of degree n. In order for there to be a formula involving radicals that solve the general polynomial of degree n, such as the quadratic equation when n = 2, that polynomial's corresponding Galois group must be solvable. S5 is not a solvable group. Therefore, the Galois group of the general polynomial of degree 5 is not solvable. Thus the general polynomial of degree 5 has no general formula to solve it using radicals.This was huge result, and one of the first real applications, for group theory, since that problem had stumped mathematicians for centuries.

What is the meaning of polynomial expression?

If a polynomial expression is derived from a word problem it has the same meaning as the word problem. Polynomial expressions that represent scientific laws have the specific meaning of that law.

How do I answer this physics question using the quadratic formula?

To answer a physics question using the quadratic formula, first identify the equation that represents the problem. If the equation is in the form of ax^2 + bx + c = 0, you can apply the quadratic formula: x = [-b ± sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)] / 2a. Solve for x using this formula to find the solutions to the equation, which may represent physical quantities such as time, distance, or velocity.

Using the quadratic formula what is the answser to 694 plus 77 plus 900?

Trying to use the quadratic formula on this problem is like trying to use a chainsaw to brush your teeth: painful, doesn't get the job done, and what the heck are you thinking? Just add: 694+77+900=1671

What is the root of a problem?

If you mean a math problem, "root" is another word for "solution".The "root" of a polynomial in "x" is any value for "x" which will set the polynomial equal to zero, when evaluated.If you mean a math problem, "root" is another word for "solution".The "root" of a polynomial in "x" is any value for "x" which will set the polynomial equal to zero, when evaluated.If you mean a math problem, "root" is another word for "solution".The "root" of a polynomial in "x" is any value for "x" which will set the polynomial equal to zero, when evaluated.If you mean a math problem, "root" is another word for "solution".The "root" of a polynomial in "x" is any value for "x" which will set the polynomial equal to zero, when evaluated.

What is quadratic probing in data structure?

Quadratic probing is a scheme in computer programming for resolving collisions in hash tables. Quadratic probing operates by taking the original hash value and adding successive values of an arbitrary quadratic polynomial to the starting value. This algorithm is used in open-addressed hash tables. Quadratic probing provides good memory caching because it preserves some locality of reference; however, linear probing has greater locality and, thus, better cache performance. Quadratic probing better avoids the clustering problem that can occur with linear probing, although it is not immune.

Can a factor pair have an extra addition problem?

Yes and they do in factoring quadratic equations.Yes and they do in factoring quadratic equations.Yes and they do in factoring quadratic equations.Yes and they do in factoring quadratic equations.

How do you solve complex cases of quadratic equations?

If the discriminant - the part under the radical sign in the quadratic formula - is negative, then the result is complex, it is as simple as that. You can't convert a complex number to a real number. If a particular problem requires only real-number solutions, then - if the formula gives complex numbers - you can state that there is no solution.