Five-twenty hundred and dollars
Five hundred two dollars and twenty centsFor checks: five hundred two and 20/100 dollars
$24,562,000.00 OR Twenty four million five hundred sixty two dollars and no cents.
one hundred dollars is equal to twenty times five dollars, but there are NO five dollar bills in a hundred dollar bill.
One hundred twenty-five
Five hundred and sixty two thousand, three hundred and twenty five dollars ($562,325).
Five hundred twenty five dollars
Nine hundred twenty-five dollars and 00/100 or 925.00
Two hundred twenty-five thousand, five hundred five and eighty-eight hundredths.Two hundred twenty-five thousand, five hundred five dollars and eighty-eight cents.
Five hundred twenty dollars.
Four hundred twenty five dollars.
Three Hundred and twenty five dollars
Four hundred and twenty five dollars
One hundred and twenty-five dollars
$2,500.00 Two thousand, five hundred dollars and no cents
Five-twenty hundred and dollars