Ordinary decimal notation
3.744000 is scientific notation is 3.744 x 100. This is because the decimal is already placed where it would be after converting the number to scientific notation. However, if you wanted to convert 3744000.0 to scientific notation, you would have to move the decimal left six places. This number, in scientific notation, is 3.744 x 106.
Just remember that there is one digit to the left of the decimal in scientific notation. All the other digits go on the right of the decimal. Then find an appropriate power of ten to write the rest of the number. Your 3,400 in scientific notation is 3.4 x 104in scientific notation.
It is the use of scientific notation.
A decimal.
Ordinary decimal notation
It is not possible to convert a number with 2 decimal points into scientific notation.
to convert scientific notation to decimal you count the number of spaces up to the last digit then put the decimal point then put x10 to the power of if how many places you move the decimal point.................................
3.744000 is scientific notation is 3.744 x 100. This is because the decimal is already placed where it would be after converting the number to scientific notation. However, if you wanted to convert 3744000.0 to scientific notation, you would have to move the decimal left six places. This number, in scientific notation, is 3.744 x 106.
Just remember that there is one digit to the left of the decimal in scientific notation. All the other digits go on the right of the decimal. Then find an appropriate power of ten to write the rest of the number. Your 3,400 in scientific notation is 3.4 x 104in scientific notation.
Do you mean 0.000054 if so then it is 5.4*10-5 in scientific notation
To express 0.0000547 in scientific notation, move the decimal point to the right until only one digit is to the left of the decimal point. This results in 5.47 x 10^-5 in scientific notation.
It is the use of scientific notation.
A decimal.
The standard decimal notation is 8,754.4The scientific notation is: 8.7574 x 10^3
one thousand three hundred sixteen ten- thousandths