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Q: One less thing or one thing less?
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How do you do everything?

You can't. If a specialist is someone who knows more and more about less and less until finally they know everything about nothing, then a generalist would be someone who knows less and less about more and more until finally he knows nothing about everything. Find one thing you are good at, and be that one thing. If you should come to master it and be bored, then worry about branching out. (But who has mastered even one thing?)

How do you be everything?

You can't. If a specialist is someone who knows more and more about less and less until finally they know everything about nothing, then a generalist would be someone who knows less and less about more and more until finally he knows nothing about everything. Find one thing you are good at, and be that one thing. If you should come to master it and be bored, then worry about branching out. (But who has mastered even one thing?)

You how one plus one really equals zero?

One plus one does not equal zero. One plus one equals two. If you have one thing, then bring another thing in, you get more than what you started with, which would be 2. You cannot have less, like zero.

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One of anything is less than five of the same thing.

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It took less that one year

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In less than one turn? No such thing. But if you are talking about in one turn, you can draw all five pieces of Exodia either during your turn or your opponent's.

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"Nine fourths" means that you cut one whole thing into four pieces, and then you took nine of the pieces. You couldn't do that with only one whole thing. You'd have to send somebody out to get more.

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For one thing more sleep, but if that is not possible EAT BREAKFAST.

2 dams of same width and height One has less water flow than the other one which dam has to built stronger why?

If the one with less force is built strong, it would be totaly useless.It would be a smart thing to do if you build a dam over the one with more force.

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one quarter is less than one third

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One war less is always a good thing.