Expressed in scientific notation, 0.0002 is equal to 2 x 10-4.
78.6x103 = 8095.8, which is equal to 8.0958x103 in scientific notation.
In scientific notation, 407,000 is equal to 4.07 x 105
0.000056 in scientific notation is equal to 5.6 x 10^-5.
Expressed in scientific notation, this is equal to 1.31 x 109
Expressed in scientific notation, 0.0002 is equal to 2 x 10-4.
9.461*1012 km
78.6x103 = 8095.8, which is equal to 8.0958x103 in scientific notation.
In scientific notation, 407,000 is equal to 4.07 x 105
2,800,000 in Scientific Notation = 2.8 x 106
0.000056 in scientific notation is equal to 5.6 x 10^-5.
13 gallons in Scientific Notation = 1.3 x 101gallons.
Expressed in scientific notation, this is equal to 1.31 x 109
In scientific notation it is equal to: 5.8*10^9
When the value that you are representing in scientific notation is less than 1, or greater than or equal to 10.
1.5 x 10-3 is already in scientific notation. The same figure is equal to 0.0015 in standard notation.
2.721 X 107