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either of them are fine

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Q: One month and a half or one and a half month what is gramatically correct?
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"You gave her one half" is correct.

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If you want to be gramatically correct, you should say "ten to one" since "till" is slang but if you are just talking or posting something informal, "ten till one" is fine. I think.

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No, it is not correct to say "one an." The correct phrase is "one and a half day" to refer to one full day and half of another day.

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One and one half or One and a half

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Gramatically, the phrase "a box of candles" is correct. Also, if you had more than one box, you would say "boxes of candles."

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Yes because it is the teacher's outing but since there are more than one teacher it has to be posessive and plural so its teachers' outing.

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HECK NO it will take about a month or month and a half for it to come out of your system.