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Volume= 96x2.5xn=3000




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Q: One of the first electronic computer was of the shape of a big huge box. it waqs a 96 feet long and 2.5 feet wide?
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How big was the first computer in the measurement of feet?

The first computer was huge compared to today's models. In feet, Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) measured about 100 feet x 8 feet by 3 feet.

One of the first electronic computers was in the shape of a huge box It was 96 feet long and 2.5 feet wide The amount of space inside was approximately 3000 cubic feet How many feet high was the c?

The computer was about 1 foot high, given the dimensions provided. This can be calculated by dividing the volume (3000 cubic feet) by the product of length (96 feet) and width (2.5 feet).

Where is the computer located on a 2001 Subaru Outback?

The Electronic Control Module is located under the carpeting at the front seat passenger's feet.

How tall was the first computer?

ENIAC was 8.5 feet tall and 80 feet long!

Who had the idea for the first computer?

Charles Babbage, but he never built it. It was mechanical, slow, and very big. If he had built it, just the 1000 word data memory would have occupied over 250 square feet of floor space.

How big were the first computer and what kinds of calculations did it perform?

8 feet by 3 feet by 100 feet

Did dell make the first electronic computer?

No. ENIAC was invented at the University of Pennsylvania in 1943 and it took 3 years to build. It took up 1800 sq. Feet and used 18,000 vacuum tubes weighed 50 tons.

How did the first computer made look?

The very first computer was humungus the size of a buildingThat is a misconception. ABC the first electronic digital computer was about the size of an office desk. ENIAC the first programmable electronic digital computer occupied 40 standard 19 inch relay racks filling three walls of a typical classroom. Neither was the size of a building.Even the largest computer ever built, the AN/FSQ-7 built for the Air Force's SAGE air defense system near the end of the first generation, which occupied an entire floor of a large concrete building was not as large as a building.Most early computers simply looked like several metal boxes a bit taller than a man and two feet on a side so the boxes could fit through doors.

How many feet in shape 18 by 19?

342 square feet is the area of this shape.

How large was the 1st computer ever built?

As regards the first electronic digital computers, the Atanasoff-Berry Computer, the Z3, the Colossus, and the ENIAC were early designs. They ranged in size from something on the order of a desk to several rooms full of equipment in the case of ENIAC. Use the links and check out the pics.

What did the first electronic digital computer contain?

Built by IBM, the electronic numerical integrator and computer, or ENIAC, weighed 30 tons and spanned 1,500 square feet. This huge machine used 18,000 vacuum tubes for storage and arithmetic calculations.

Did the first computer fill up a whole room?

Source: The First Computer was roughly 8 feet (2.4 m) by 3 feet (0.9 m) by 100 feet (30 m), and took up 1800 square feet (167 m²)I cheated a bit on this one, but I hope it helped :P