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Q: One of the four corner sections on a set of coordinate axes?
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Four sections that divide a coordinate grid?

The intersecting x- and y-axes divide the coordinate plane into four sections.

What is each of the four sections created by the intersecting lines called?

the four sections created by the coordinate axes

What are the quadrants in the coordinate plane?

The coordinate plane is divided into four quarters by the axes. These are the four quadrants.

How are the four sections of a coordinate grid marked?

How are the four sections maked

What is one of the four regions into whick the axes divide a coordinate plane?


What is it called when The coordinate plane is divided into 4 sections?

Each of the four sections are called quadrants.

What is the difference between a coordinate grid and a coordinate plane?

A coordinate grid has just one large section displaying data varying from (0,0) to (infinity,infinity). On the other hand, a coordinate plane is much different. A coordinate plane has four sections, (+,+), (+,-), (-,+), and (-,-). Theese four sections are all in oposite corners of a grid. I hope this helped!!

What is quadrant in cartesian coordinate system?

The x-and the y-axes of the two dimensional Cartesian coordinate system divide the plane in four. Each of these is a quadrant.

What does the word quadrants mean?

In the context of a circle or the coordinate plane, quadrants are the four quarters defined either by two mutually perpendicular radii or the coordinate axes.

What is each of the four sections created by the intersecting lines of the coordinate system called?


What is the name of the word that means The x and y axis separate the coordinate plane into?

The axes separate the plane into four quadrants.

What is a coordinate plane pre-algebra?

A coordinate plane has two axes and four quadrants. The horizontal number line is called the x-axis and the vertical line is called the y-axis.